Keskin: Saturday Mothers are a danger to the AKP 2023-05-06 12:17:51   İSTANBUL - Stating that the reason for the harsh attitude towards the Saturday Mothers is the AKP's reconciliation with the perpetrators, İHD Chairperson Eren Keskin said: "We will continue our struggle whether the power changes or not."   Since May 27, 1995, Saturday Mothers and human rights defenders continue their struggle to inquire about the fate of those disappeared in custody and to bring their perpetrators to trial. Continuing their protests in Galatasaray Square in 1995-1999 with the demand "Let the disappearances come to an end and the fate of the disappeared should be announced, the disappeared people should be found and prosecuted", the Saturday Mothers were attacked by the police from the 170th week to the 200th week. The mothers were beaten and detained.   The demonstration of the Saturday Mothers, who did not give up their demonstrations despite all the pressure, detention and violence, has been prevented since the 700th week by the order of the Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu.   TURKİSH STATE REJECTS THE DECITION OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT   As a result of the legal struggle of the Saturday Mothers, who decided to continue their demonstration online due to the pandemic process affecting the whole world, the Constitutional Court (AYM) decided that the police blockade in Galatasaray Square was "violation" on February 23 and found the application to be justified; however, the decision of the Constitutional Court was not recognized by the Beyoğlu District Governorship, the Istanbul Provincial Security Directorate, or the governorship. Mothers and human rights defenders who want to make a statement in Galatasaray Square, where the police blockade continues despite the court's decision, have been facing obstruction, violence and detention for 3 weeks.   Eren Keskin, Chairperson of the Human Rights Association (İHD), one of the participants of the action regarding the situation in question, made evaluations about the obstacles.   POLICE PREVENTS THE JUDICIAL DECISION   Expressing that people are determined for this square, Keskin referred to the Constitutional Court decision against the ban decision and said: The Constitutional Court has determined that the banning of Galatasaray Square is a violation of rights; however, since Turkey is not a state of law, a police officer can prevent the decision taken by the state's highest judicial institution. Despite all this, this determination will continue until the end.”   'AKP AGREED WITH PERPETRATORS'   Pointing out that the reason behind the harsh attitude of the AKP government against the Saturday Mothers is their reconciliation with the perpetrators of these people who were lost years ago, Keskin said: “They once came side by side with the actors of the 'White Taurus' which is the cars the people were kidnapped with. For example; Mehmet Ağar and Tansu Ciller. These are the people seen with power today. They are now partners in power. If you look at the rhetoric of the government 15 years ago and today's rhetoric, a lot has changed. That's why the Saturday Mothers became a danger to them. They have changed, but we have not. We are still at the point we are at.”   'THE DEMONSTRATION QUESTIONS THE STATE'   Stating that everyone with a conscience is interested in the struggle of the Saturday Mothers and this interest questions the state, Keskin said: “Because the state is behind these disappeared people. The state has a policy of losing. For this reason, they do not want such legitimate and community-supported demonstrations to be repeated and brought to the agenda. AKP aims to suppress all segments that disagree with it. But the Saturday Mothers are extremely determined, and we will continue to support them in the face of this determination. They keep them handcuffed under that heat for hours in detention vehicles. There are applications up to arm breaking attempts. Despite the fact that there are old, ill people among us and we say this, they continue these practices. They know they won't get results. They cannot arrest anyone, because there is a decision of the Constitutional Court. They detain people just for the sake of persecution.”   IF THE GOVERNMENT CHANGES OR NOT…   Pointing to the May 14 elections, Keskin said: “Something needs to change. Our hope is that there will be a change. Of course, it will be a source of hope for all of us that the Green Left Party, which we call the 'Third Way', formed by the Labor and Freedom Alliance, enters the Parliament in a strong way. When we look at the opposition's statements, if they win the elections, we will be able to go to Galatasaray Square. Of course, we do not have any guarantees, we will continue our struggle whether the government changes or not."   MA / Ergin Cağlar