2022 violation report of İHD: 2,143 people, 110 of whom are children, detained 2023-05-05 16:30:27   AMED - According to the İHD's "Report on Human Rights Violations in 2022", at least 2,143 people, 110 of whom are children, were detained and 1,109 homes/workplaces were raided.   The Human Rights Association (İHD) Amed Branch has announced the “Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia Region 2022 Human Rights Violations Report”. Speaking at the press conference held at the branch office, İHD Co-Chair Rehşan Bataray Saman stated that violations of rights increased with the de facto state of emergency in 2022.   2022 THE VIOLATIONS OF RIGHTS REPORT   İHD Regional Representative Tahir Saçaklı shared the summary data of the violations of the rights. According to the data shared by Saçaklı, the violations of rights are as follows:   “* In the cities of the region, 6 citizens lost their lives and 14 citizens were injured in various ways, as a result of 'arbitrary killing, use of weapons and disproportionate force, non-compliance with stop warnings, extra-judicial executions'. As a result of the fire opened by rangers, 1 rangers and 1 citizen lost their lives and 1 citizen was injured.   * 21 prisoners lost their lives in regional prisons, 13 of whom were allegedly suicidal and 8 of them due to various diseases. It was learned that one citizen who was in custody died on the grounds that he committed suicide.   * At least 3 citizens lost their lives as a result of unsolved judicial attacks.   * In the cities of the region, at least 8 soldiers and policemen lost their lives suspiciously on the grounds that they committed suicide.   * As a result of official mistakes and negligence, 2 citizens lost their lives and at least 329 citizens were injured.   * A political party leader was injured in 4 separate attacks on 1 MPs and 2 political party leaders operating in the cities of the region, on different dates and places. In addition, 3 journalists, 2 teachers, 5 lawyers, 4 doctors and 6 paramedics were injured as a result of the attacks they suffered.   * At least 114 law enforcement officers lost their lives and 59 law enforcement officers were injured in the clashes in the regional cities and across the border. At least 267 armed militants lost their lives as a result of the same clashes. While 9 civilians lost their lives, 34 civilians were injured.   * 3 people lost their lives as a result of the attack of the militants of the armed organization.   * While 2 people froze to death, 3 people were shot dead, 2 people were shot and injured at the border lines.   * As a result of mine explosions, 4 adults (men) and 3 children were injured.   * In the cities of the region, 16 children, 51 women, 21 men; At least 88 people died suspiciously.   * A special security zone has been declared 15 times in the region, covering hundreds of areas (at least 440 areas) located within the borders of 10 cities and 25 districts.   * A curfew was declared 5 times, covering 14 villages from 2 cities.   * 35 families living in 1 village had to migrate due to military pressure.   * Forest fire broke out in 4 rural areas of 2 cities.   * 3 bodies belonging to the militants of the organization were not delivered to their families.   * Cemeteries in 5 cities were destroyed 6 times.   * Human bones were found with the claim of 3 mass graves in 2 cities.   VIOLATIONS OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS TO LIFE   * 8 women committed suicide, 2 women attempted suicide.   * As a result of domestic violence, 39 women lost their lives, 17 women were injured, and 1 woman was detained.   * As a result of the attack in the social area, 18 women lost their lives and 16 women were injured. While sexual assault against at least 5 women, blackmail and threats against 28 women took place in the social arena, at least 2 women were forced into prostitution.   VIOLATIONS OF CHILDREN'S RIGHTS TO LIFE   * 8 children committed suicide, 4 children attempted suicide.   * As a result of domestic violence, 8 children lost their lives, 3 children were injured, 2 children were exposed to sexual abuse.   * As a result of violence in the social area, 8 children lost their lives and 6 children were injured. At least 260 children were subjected to sexual abuse in the social sphere, 2 children were forced into prostitution, and 1 child was detained.   VIOLATIONS ON THE PROHIBITION OF TORTURE   * At least 15 citizens in the region were detained, 178 citizens were subjected to torture and ill-treatment outside the places of detention (street, house raids), while at least 42 prisoners were subjected to torture and ill-treatment in prisons.   * At least 20 citizens were subjected to the imposition of spying by law enforcement officials, while 13 citizens were threatened.   * At least 2 children were exposed to violence in schools.   * At least 7 citizens were subjected to violence during the intervention of law enforcement officers in social demonstrations.   VIOLATIONS OF PERSONAL FREEDOM AND SECURITY   * 2 thousand 143 citizens, at least 110 of whom are children, were detained in the cities of the region.   * At least 194 citizens, including 1 child, were arrested. At least 2 citizens were ordered to house arrest.   * At least 1,109 homes/businesses were raided in the region.   VIOLATIONS OF FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND EXPRESSION   * 14 activities intended to be held in the cities of the region were banned.   * 2 newspapers and 1 number of books were confiscated by law enforcement officials.   * 4 press and broadcasting institutions were raided.   * An investigation was launched against 136 citizens in 26 investigation files.   * In 16 case files, lawsuits were filed against 76 citizens.   * Various prison sentences and fines were given to 127 citizens in 40 files, among them politicians, journalists and public workers.   * 14 political party buildings and 3 associations were attacked or raided. A lawsuit was filed against 1 association with a request for closure.   * At least 19 meetings and demonstrations were interfered with by law enforcement officials, at least 10 public demonstrations were not allowed by law enforcement officials.   * Meetings and demonstrations were banned 125 times by the governor's decision in 17 of the 23 cities in the region.   VIOLATIONS OF RIGHTS IN PRISONS   * 77 prisoners were transferred to other prisons without any justification. 276 prisoners were transferred to other prisons on the grounds that Diyarbakır E-Type Prison would be transformed into a cultural center. Thus, at least   * 353 prisoners were subjected to referral and exile.   * At least 34 prisoners' right to health, 7 prisoners' right to family visit, 10 prisoners' right to communication, 8 prisoners' right to social activity were violated.   * At least 12 prisoners were given disciplinary punishment.   * At least 27 prisoners were subjected to isolation.   * While the execution of at least 14 prisoners was postponed for various reasons (not appearing on the council, disciplinary punishment, not regretting, not attending the ceremony on religious and national days), 43 prisoners suffered different rights violations.   VIOLATIONS OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RIGHTS   * 34 workers, including at least 1 child, lost their lives and 159 workers were injured in accidents that occurred in working conditions where occupational safety was not provided.   * At least 33 workers were dismissed, 2 people were dismissed, 7 people were expelled.   * Discriminatory Practices Against the Right to Education: While students in at least 2 schools chose Kurdish elective courses, Kurdish students were not offered an "insufficient number" claim, while Kurdish students were threatened by other student groups in 1 university dormitory.   * Violations of Disabled Rights: While at least 1 disabled citizen's right to social security was violated, 1 disabled citizen was subjected to discriminatory practices.   * Discrimination: At least 5 citizens were discriminated against because of their beliefs and 7 citizens because of their ethnic identity.   * Property Rights: At least 1 citizen's property rights have been violated.   * Right to Environment: While environmental pollution occurred due to at least 4 works of municipalities and companies, forest cutting was done in 3 regions for a long time.”   After the announcement, the “Peace Watch” demonstration, which is held on the first Friday of every month, continued.