Another lawyer arrested in Amed 2023-05-05 09:36:15   DİYARBAKIR - Şerzan Yelboğa, one of the 5 lawyers who testified as part of the Amed-based investigation, has been arrested. The number of lawyers arrested increased to 4 together with Yelboğa.   In line with the statements of Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, open witness Ümit Akbıyık, 145 of the 216 people who were detained within the scope of the operation in Amed-centered 21 provinces, including journalists, politicians, artists and lawyers, were detained on 25 April. Of the 145 people, 51 were arrested on the grounds that they were "being a member of a terrorist organization", and 94 were released.   Lawyers Bahar Oktay, Fırat Yıldız, Muhittin Muğuç, Şerzan Yelboğa and Adile Salman went to Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office to give their statements.   Lawyers Oktay, Yıldız, Muğuç and Salman were taken to the court for judicial control measures, and Yelboğa, with a request for arrest.   The court decided to arrest Yelboğa. The court decided to release Yıldız, Muğuç and Salman with judicial control and Oktay without any precautionary measures.   Lawyers Serhat Hezer, Burhan Arta and Özüm Vurgun were arrested within the scope of the investigation, and the number of detained lawyers increased to 4 together with Şerzan Yelboğa.   As part of the investigation, 52 people have been arrested since April 25, and 98 people have been released.