Green Left Party Eskişehir candidate Koyun arrested 2023-05-04 08:46:53   ISTANBUL - 4 people of the 23 people who were detained in 8 cities based in Eskişehir and referred to the courthouse, including the Green Left Party Eskişehir Candidate Müslüm Koyun, were arrested, while 7 people were put under house arrest.   The Socialist Party of the Oppressed (ESP), Socialist Women's Councils (SKM), Aktif News Agency (ETHA) and the Federation of Socialist Youth Associations (SGDF) were detained within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and the Eskişehir Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, on the morning of 30 April. 23 people, including its members, were referred to the courthouse today after the security procedures.   Confidentiality and lawyer restrictions were imposed on the detainees, including ESP Co-Chair Şahin Tümüklü, ETHA editor Nadiye Gürbüz, and parliamentary candidates from the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party).   4 PEOPLE WERE ARRESTED, 7 PEOPLE WERE PUT UNDER HOUSE ARREST   Green Left Party Eskişehir 3rd rank MP candidate Müslüm Koyun, İstanbul 1st district 16th candidate Burcu Ayyıldız and İzmir 1st District 8th 15 people, including candidate Arefe Merryem Yıldırım among those referred to the courthouse in Eskişehir and Istanbul and referred to the courthouse by the prosecutor's office were referred to the court for arrest. Green Left Party MP Müslüm Koyun, Sinan Çelebi, Adnan Özcan, Selvinaz Göçmez among those referred to the court were arrested on charges of "being a member of a terrorist organization", while İzmir 1st District 8th candidate Arefe Meryem Yıldırım, Ebrar Uz, Hasan Polat, Uğur Ok, Tuncay Yıldırım Özen, Merve Havalı and Sude Çağlar were put under house arrest.   4 PEOPLE WERE RELEASED    Deniz Konak, Sadrettin Polat, Bedran Çoğaltay and Alperen Aktaş were released after judicial control.    The interrogation of 13 people continues.