Condemning the AKP candidate whose name is on the missile fired at Afrin 2023-05-02 11:49:05     BITLIS - People from Bitlis said that AKP MP candidate Muaz Ergezen, who had his name written on the missiles fired during the Afrin attacks, is an enemy of the Kurds, and said: "We will not elect an anti-Kurdish candidate."   Muaz Ergezen, who had his name written on the missile in Turkey's invasion attacks against the city of Afrin in Northern and Eastern Syria with paramilitary forces under the name of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) on January 20, 2018, was nominated from the AKP's Bitlis list. Ergezen shared the following photo of the missile on which his name was written during the attacks, on his social media account: “A commemorative picture of our N60 A3 tank in Afrin Region. May the souls of our martyrs rest in peace. Thanks to the homeland, may our unity be forever. May my Lord hit this cannonball and all the gun shots of our soldiers, and let the enemies be devastated."   'WE WILL NOT ELECT AN ENEMY KURDISH CANDIDATES'   Selahattin Adıyaman from Bêdlis, who said that Ergezen was anti-Kurdish, said: "We would not vote for the AKP. Ergezen, who is hostile to Kurds, is a candidate in the Kurdish city. We will not get him elected in this city as much as we can. Whatever they do, we, the people of Bedlis, support the Green Left Party.   'KURDS WILL ANSWER AT THE BALLOT BOX'   Şahin said: “They think that the Kurds are not aware of this. But the Kurdish people are a conscious people. The Kurdish people will give the necessary answer to these at the ballot box. The people of Bedlis will never support these people who want to kill the Kurdish people and their youth. On May 14, all of this will come to an end.”