Workers in Ankara for May 1: Standing shoulder to shoulder against fascism 2023-05-01 16:51:04   ANKARA - The workers, who flocked to Tandoğan Square with their demands and slogans, called for a joint struggle with the banner "Shoulder to shoulder against fascism".   A mass rally was held in Tandoğan Square in Ankara on the occasion of the May 1 Day of Unity, Struggle and Solidarity. Many political parties, especially the Labor and Freedom Alliance components, women's and youth organizations, and many labor and professional organizations, together with workers and laborers, were in a cortege at Tandoğan Square Under the leadership of the Confederation of Public Workers' Unions (KESK) and the Revolutionary Confederation of Workers' Unions (DİSK), Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Mithat Sancar, Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Ankara MP candidates marched and attended the cortege.   SOLIDARITY WITH THE FREE PRESS ON THE SQUARE   It started with a moment of silence, accompanied by Adnan Yücel's poem "Until the earth becomes the face of love", for those who lost their lives in the earthquakes that took place on February 6 in the center of Maraş in Tandoğan Square. They began to be filled with halay dances."Jin, jiyan, azadi", "There is no salvation alone,"  "All together or none of us”, “Shoulder to shoulder against fascism”, “Be Serok jiyan nabe(There is no life without Apo)” and “Together we will win” were shouted.   The arrest and detention of Free Press workers and lawyers within the scope of Diyarbakır and Ankara-based investigations were protested in the square with the slogans "Free press cannot be silenced" and "The defense will not be silent".   THE POLICE ATTACKED LAWYER    While the rally was going on, lawyer Ömer Öneren, who wanted to enter the square, was attacked by the police at the search point. When Öner stated that it is obligatory for the person who called him to show his identity according to the law, Öner said: “There is no constitutional mandate in this country. What law are you talking about?” The police attacked himself, fell to the ground as a result of the attack, and was injured while trying to protect his head. Öneren stated that the police who attacked him ran away from there in order not to be identified.