Thousands in Istanbul for May 1: Lift the isolation in prison and outside 2023-05-01 16:23:59     ISTANBUL - The workers, laborers, women, youth and peoples flooding Maltepe Square gave the message that they will send the AKP-MHP government on May 14. The slogans "Lift the isolation inside and outside" and "Bê Serok jiyan nabe(There is no life without Apo)" were frequently raised in the square.   The rally of May 1 Unity, Struggle and Solidarity, organized in Istanbul under the leadership of the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions (DİSK), Confederation of Public Workers Unions (KESK), Union of Turkish Chambers of Architects and Engineers (TMMOB), Dentists' Union (TDB) and Turkish Medical Association (TTB), started with hundreds of thousands entering Maltepe Square. The crowd gathered at Idealtepe Stop for the May Day rally, which was held with the slogans "May 1 for a new beginning" and "Work is ours, the future is ours", marched to the area in corteges with banners and slogans. The message of all segments, especially workers and laborers, was clear: “On May 14, the struggle of the peoples will send the AKP-MHP power together.”   While the crowd entered the area after a body search, hundreds of journalists who followed the rally were searched at the checkpoint, even to their technical equipment. Yeni Yaşam and Oxygen newspapers were confiscated without justification, and they were not allowed into the area. Workers and laborers, who flocked to the assembly area in groups and corteges from all over the city, sang the May Day march together.   'TOGETHER WE WILL CHANGE'   Those who lost their lives due to the negligence of the government in the earthquakes that affected 11 cities on February 6, centered in Maraş, were not forgotten. It was emphasized that the account of frequently shouted slogans would be asked. Giving the message that they are determined to send the AKP-MHP government in the May 14 elections, hundreds of thousands shout that they will continue their struggle for the exploitation-free new life that will be built for the peoples.   JIN, JIYAN, AZADI   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Pervin Buldan and members of the Peace Mothers Council, dressed in white tulle and traditional attire, entered Maltepe Square with the slogan "Jin jiyan azadî".   ANGRY REFLECTED TO SLOGANS   Anger against the AKP-MHP government was reflected in the slogans "One day, the AKP will be held accountable to the people", "Together we will win", "Shoulder to shoulder against fascism", "Everywhere Taksim, everywhere resistance".   'FREE PRESS CANNOT BE SILENCED'   In addition, the slogan “Kurdistan will be a graveyard for fascism”, which was heard in the area, also drew attention. The Greens and Left Future Party (Green and Left Party) and Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) cortege entered the arena with the slogan "No war, peace right now", and salute the imprisoned journalists with the slogans "Free press cannot be silenced" and "Free press is our honor".    WOMEN SMASHED THE BARRICADES   Condemning Turkey's ongoing attacks on the Federated Kurdistan Region, the crowd shouted "No war, peace right now". On the other hand, many women were tried to be prevented from entering the area by the police; however, the women, who did not recognize the police barrier, smashed the barricades with the slogan "Barricades for murderers, not women" and entered the area.