Police attack on Saturday Mothers 2023-04-29 14:18:37   ISTANBUL - The police, who attacked the Saturday Mothers and human rights defenders who wanted to make a statement in Galatasaray Square, where the blockade was not lifted despite the Constitutional Court's "violation" decision, detained 25 people.   The protest of the Saturday Mothers to ask about the fate of their relatives who disappeared in custody and to demand that the perpetrators be tried continued in its 944th week. Despite the "violation" decision of the Constitutional Court (AYM), Saturday Mothers and human rights defenders who wanted to make a statement in Galatasaray Square, where the police blockade continued, faced police barriers and attacks this week as well.   25 PEOPLE WERE DETAINED   The mothers and their companions were besieged before they were even brought close to Galatasaray Square. While the mothers, who were besieged with shields, condemned the police, the journalists who followed the news were prevented from taking pictures.   Later on, 25 people, including Human Rights Association (İHD) Istanbul Branch President Gülseren Yoleri, Hrant Dink's son Arat Dink and Veli Saçılık, were detained in the square, where many police officers gathered.