Criminal complaint about military violence 2023-04-17 14:31:55   İZMİR - Legal organizations in İzmir stated that they have filed a criminal complaint against the soldiers who battered a lawyer in Hatay.   Contemporary Lawyers Association (ÇHD), Lawyers for Freedom Association (ÖHD), Human Rights Association (İHD) İzmir branches and Lawyers İzmir Group made a statement regarding the military attack on lawyers in Hatay's Samandağ district. At the meeting held at the ÇHD building, ÇHD İzmir Branch Manager Beste Salman spoke.   Noting that the debris removal works have caused serious harm to the people of the region, Salman said: “People are trying to ensure that their reactions reach the authorities by keeping sit-in; however, the gendarmerie and other law enforcement forces are carrying out harsh attacks against the just demands of the earthquake victims. Our organizations, which have been behind the rightful demands of the people since their establishment, have been on duty with the people against these harsh attacks on life watches."   TORTURE TO LAWYER   Reminding that lawyers who went to the region for their clients who were taken into custody during the sit-in at the exit of Samandağ Yeşilköy on April 2, were also attacked, Salman said: "Lawyer Aytekin Aktaş was severely tortured by 10-15 gendarmerie officers for fulfilling his duty. He was taken away from his client in the detention vehicle and withdrawn to a separate area. He was brutally beaten until all his clothes were torn, he was threatened with death by using the state of emergency in the region, and after being tortured for a long time with reverse handcuffs, he was released without any action. As soon as he was released, he was tortured collectively for the second time for noting the names of the torturers and their license plates."   CRIMINAL COMPLAINT   Stating that the attack on lawyers was unacceptable, Salman continued: "This torture was perpetrated against him for the law, the right to advocate and the people's right to life. We filed a criminal complaint in order to hold accountable for this recklessness and cruelty. We will hold the torturers accountable. Just as the people say in their life watches: "We didn't leave, we're here.”