Police attack on Saturday Mothers: 12 detentions 2023-04-15 13:23:51   ISTANBUL - The police, who attacked the Saturday Mothers who wanted to make a statement in Galatasaray Square, detained at least 12 people.   The Saturday Mothers wanted to make a statement in Galatasaray Square, where the police blockade continued despite the "violation" decision of the Constitutional Court (AYM) on the 942nd week of their protest, asking about the fate of their relatives disappeared in custody and demanding the perpetrators be tried; however, before the demonstration of the mothers, the police did not allow the explanation by increasing the blockade in the square with the reinforcement of the detention vehicles and riot police.   The police, who did not allow the mothers who came together in Galatasaray Square with the photographs of their relatives, to make a statement, attacked the Human Rights Association (İHD) Istanbul Branch President Gülseren Yoleri and the Press-İş Chairperson Faruk Eren, affiliated with the Revolutionary Workers' Unions Confederation (DİSK), detained at least 12 people.   The mothers made a victory sign by holding a photograph of the missing on the glass of the detention vehicle they were put in.   The names of those detained are as follows: Hanım Tosun, Hanife Yıldız, Ali Ocak, Besna Tosun, Mikail Kırbayır, Jiyan Tosun, Gülseren Yoleri, Faruk Eren, İrfan Bilgin, Hasan Karakoç, Kenan Yıldızerler, Zekine Türkeri.   GALATASARAY SQUARE IS OURS   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Istanbul MP Musa Piroğlu, who came to Galatasaray Square after the Saturday Mothers were detained, condemned the detentions by reminding the decision of the Constitutional Court. “It is the fundamental right of people to make a press statement here, and today this right is being violated. Everyone should know that the losses still continue today. Kurdish businessperson Zeki Oğuz was detained and disappeared recently. Dozens of people are still missing. While we want our losses to be found, we want the system that created the losses and the corrupt order to change. That's why the mothers' explanation is very clear; Galatasaray Square is ours and we will continue to make our voice heard here. They have to get used to it. We will continue to search for our lost ones."