Green Left Party: We will demand an account of every tree cut down in Kurdistan 2023-04-13 12:28:10   ŞIRNAK - Stating that they will ensure the security of the ballot box, Green Left Party Şırnak Co-spokesperson Ahmet Başak said: “We will not allow stealing in Kurdistan.   The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) nominated Newroz Uysal, Ayşegül Doğan, Zeki İrmez and Bedirhan Osal for the general election to be held on May 14 in Şırnak. Green Left Party Şırnak Provincial Co-Spokesperson Ahmet Başak, who continues his election work, said that they will send four candidates to the parliament in Şırnak in the Presidential and General Elections to be held on May 14. Stating that there is great enthusiasm among the people of Kurdistan, Başak said. “The Turkish state has been playing dirty games on our land for years. We will resurrect our hope. We documented the cheating and thefts committed by the AKP in the 2018 elections. The people of Kurdistan will not allow their stealing and games in this election. The people are preparing to give the necessary answer by going to the polls with great enthusiasm. Our people cast their votes not only to elect MPs, but also to protect their identity, culture and freedom. The people of Kurdistan will go to the polls with this awareness.”   'EVERY TREE CUT WILL BE ASKED TO ACCOUNT'   Stating that the people will also ask for the account of every tree that is cut down at the ballot box, Başak said: “The bottom and top of our geography has been looted for years. They destroyed the nature of this place with a rant. They offered the nature of Kurdistan to their accomplices. We have to hold accountable for every tree cut down in Cudi, Besta and Gabar. It is the Kurds who shape the opposition in Turkey today. Wherever there is a Kurdish gain, they attack. That's why our municipalities have usurped; however, we are getting stronger every day against these policies. Even though these people know that the government will appoint a trustee in the morning of the next day, they will still vote for their own party. The people will also demand an account of their usurped will in this election. Together, we will demand an account of our felled trees, our polluted water, and our will that was stolen from us.”