Most female candidates are in the Green Left Party 2023-04-11 12:23:07   ANKARA - By applying the zipper system in the Green Left Party, 40 percent of the candidates were women. This rate was 26 percent in the CHP list, 19 percent in the AKP, and 12 percent in the MHP.   Political parties have completed their lists of MPs to be nominated in the May 14 elections and submitted them to the Supreme Election Board (YSK). AKP and its partner MHP, where women were targeted during their rule, and femicide, harassment and rape cases increased, ignored women in their candidate lists.   THERE IS NO ROOM FOR WOMEN IN THE REPUBLIC ALLIANCE!   Only 113 women took part in the list of 600 parliamentary candidates submitted by the AKP to the YSK. On the other hand, only 73 women found a place in the candidate list of AKP's ruling partner MHP. While 18.83 percent of women were nominated in AKP, this rate decreased to 12.16 percent in MHP.   THE ZIPPER SYSTEM WAS NOT IMPLEMENTED IN THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE   The list submitted to the YSK by the Republican People's Party (CHP) included 580 candidates. Only 153 of these candidates are women. 145 of the candidates of the IYI Party, which nominated 385 candidates, are women. While 26.37 percent of the MPs on the CHP's list were women, this rate was 37.66 percent in the IYI Party.   40 PERCENT WOMEN CANDIDATES IN THE GREEN LEFT PARTY   The Greens and the Left Future Party (Green Left Party) applied a zipper system in their lists. In the list submitted to the YSK, 193 of the 490 MPs from each field were women. 161 of the 398 people nominated by the Workers Party of Turkey (TIP), which is also in the Alliance for Labor and Freedom, are women. While 39.38 percent of the Green Left Party was composed of women, this rate increased to 40.45 percent in TIP.   MA / Yüsra Batıhan