Iranian journalist Şêro: The calm before the storm 2023-04-05 12:26:08 NEWS CENTER - Pointing out that the anti-regime actions continue with different methods, Iranian journalist Azad Şêro evaluated the latest situation as "the calm before the storm".   The "jin, jiyan, azadi" protests, which started in Iran after the murder of 22-year-old Jîna Emini by the police on September 16, 2022, continue in the 7th month. The actions led by women and youth have spread to all cities of Iran and Rojhilat (Eastern Kurdistan). Despite the massacre, detention, arrest, execution and threats, the protests did not end. Iranian journalist Azad Şêro evaluated the developments that he followed closely.   METHOD CHANGED IN ACTIONS   Noting that the regime resorted to the death penalty in the face of the protests, Şêro said: “Recently, Kurds were executed in the city of Urmia. Every year on the eve of Newroz, the Iranian regime applies the same method. In this way, they want to extinguish the Newroz fire. They want to intimidate Kurdish politicians in Rojhilat. Especially in recent years, Newroz is celebrated with great enthusiasm and great participation in the cities of Sine, Urmiye, Mahabad and Kermanshah. They want to create a pressure against it."   THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM   Evaluating the situation in Iran and Rojhilat as "the calm before the storm", Şêro said: "Politics and social scientists also confirm this. It seems that the people will revolt strongly against the regime. In this uprising, either the regime will be completely destroyed or the Iranian peoples will have to live with this regime forever. This is foreseen in both Iran and Rojhilat."   THE POWER OF WOMEN   Pointing to the leadership of women in the protests, Şêro said: "The message "Nothing will be the same anymore" was given. We see that this message has reached its core. Today, we see that women no longer accept the chador imposed by the regime. We see women walking around the streets, cities and neighborhoods of Iran and Rojhilat Kurdistan without a head scarf. We see that the headscarf, which was forced on women's heads, no longer exists. This serhildan was pioneered by women and they are still taking important steps with courage. Men also took courage from this courage of women. No one is afraid of the cops anymore. After this time, no matter what they do, they will no longer be able to force women to do anything because there are women who do not have the strength to do this and do not allow it."   Stating that the regime's biggest fear is "to be overthrown by the hands of women", Şêro said: "They know that Iran is pregnant with change and they are afraid of it. In the statements made by the Iranian authorities before these actions, it was stated that the greatest danger to the regime was women. In fact, this fear existed long ago. Therefore, since we are trying to suppress the female serhildan(rebellion), they resort to everything. But even if the regime mobilizes all its power, we see that it cannot prevent this serhildan. Those women that it murders, tortures and ignores every day bring the regime to an end. Death was also risked for a free life."   Şêro continued as follows: "It will not be easy to change a 43-year-old regime, but it is not difficult to overthrow a regime that has been shaken so much. The Kurds in Rojhilat Kurdistan have made their presence and language accepted by this regime. If international forces do their part, then this serhildan will reach its goal more easily.”   MA / Zeynep Durgut