Election works in Europe: Choices will be the 'Jin, jiyan, azadi' 2023-04-03 10:50:38   ISTANBUL - Kurdish politician Besime Konca, who carries out election campaigns for the Green Left Party in Europe, stated that they will go to the polls in the spirit of "Jin, jiyan, azadi" and make a choice in favor of freedom.   After the decision of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) to enter the elections with the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party), the election work began. The election activities in the cities of Turkey and Kurdistan accelerated with the Green Left Party's announcement of the Election Declaration while more than 3 million voters in Europe are getting ready to go to the polls.   Kurdish politician Besime Konca emphasized the importance of the May 14 elections for the people, especially women, and gave information about the election activities in Europe.   'AN ELECTION AGAINST THE MONIST UNDERSTANDING OF STATE'   Stating that the May 14 elections was a historical election, Konca said: "In this election, the peoples will demand change against the monist, sexist and militarist understanding. The demands of Women for change have increased especially in recent years. The century-old monist state mentality ignored all differences, especially the Kurds. Today, there is a process in which this understanding of the state must be changed and democratized. Therefore, the choice is also a choice of change. Both the country and Europe want this change in Turkey."   FOR A FREE LIFE…   Noting that the Green Left Party is the leading force of change, Konca said: "They are working to get voters to go to the polls in Europe. Women are the pioneers in these studies and conveyed the following regarding the studies. There were discussions about the election, institutions were formed, posters were prepared for preparation. It is determined which population lives where and with what density. Again, for these studies, both the press and social media are used effectively. On April 2, the voter registration period ended. In this regard, studies are being carried out on the subject of going from house to house, opening stands, and going to the polls. As in Turkey, people are making great efforts to overthrow fascism and ensure the security of the elections. In the second century of the Republic, European citizens, especially women, are making a great effort to build a life in which peoples, beliefs, cultures and especially women can live more freely.”   'THE FREEDOM OF ABDULLAH ÖCALAN IS WANTED'   Pointing out that women are also working to lift the aggravated isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and to ensure their physical freedom, Konca said: “Mr. Öcalan is fighting for the Kurdish Question to be resolved on a democratic and libertarian basis. Öcalan has been in isolation for 25 years. In order for Turkey to democratize, the Green Left Party must be in the parliament with a strong number of MPs. There is a perception in Turkey that if Erdoğan leaves, everything will change. So we have to say that this is a regime change. The Green Left Party stands in an important place for the 'Third Way' and the development of a democratic line. For this, the Kurdish people, women, youth, left and socialist masses must unite around the Green Left Party in the elections.   'CHOICE SHOULD BE THE GREEN LEFT PARTY'   Konca said: "Women should put all their ideological, ethnic and religious thoughts aside and fight together against this reactionary mentality. The women should make their choice in favor of freedom, democracy and women's liberation. Women will use their preferences in favor of the Green Left Party in the elections. We can stop this order based on misogyny. Women in Iran are resisting the reactionary mullah regime in the person of Jina Emini with the slogan 'Jin jiyan azadi'. We will also practice the spirit of 'Jin, jiyan, azadi' in the election process."