The fire of Newroz lit in Istanbul: We will lift the isolation 2023-03-19 14:54:53   ISTANBUL - The Istanbul Newroz, which people flock to, started with the members of the Peace Mothers Council lighting the fire. HDP Istanbul Provincial Co-Chair İlknur Birol drew attention to the isolation in Imralı and said: "We will lift the isolation."   The celebration, which is held in Yenikapı Square, the address of 2023 Newroz in Istanbul, with the motto "Everywhere is Newroz, Everytime is freedom" and "Freedom with the fire of Newroz", started. In the Newroz square, which is dedicated to those who lost their lives in the Maraş-centered earthquake, the anger of the youth and women is reflected in the slogans. In Yenikapı, where people continue to flock, the demand for freedom for PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is shouted.   Young people flock into the Newroz square since morning hours lit the Newroz fire with slogans demanding freedom for Abdullah Öcalan.   Presenters HDP Istanbul Provincial Women's Council Spokesperson Gülşen Karasu and HDP Istanbul Provincial Organization Cultural Commission member Mazlum Jînda opened with Adnan Yücel's poem "Children of Fire and Sun".   CALL FOR UNITY TO THE PEOPLE   A cine-vision show of the Green Left Party about what happened in the Maraş-centered earthquakes was shown in the Newroz program, which started with a minute of silence. Later, the Chairperson of the Newroz Organizing Committee Volkan Bulut saluted the people, reminded Cegerxwîn's words "Kurdno bibin yek, heger hun nebin yek hûnê herin yek bi yek(Kurds! Be united, if you are not united, you will go one by one)" and called for unity.   MOTHERS SET THE FIRE OF NEWROZ   Later, the fire of Istanbul Newroz was lit by the members of the Peace Mothers Council.   BIROL: WE WILL END AN    After the Newroz fire was lit, HDP Istanbul Provincial Co-chair İlknur Birol addressed the square. İlknur said: “The roads are difficult and bumpy, they hurt, bleed, killed, but we stood up, step by step we came to these days. Newroz is the day of Kawa people, it is their resistance. Freedom in Diyarbakır Prison is serhildan(rebellion) in the streets of Cizre. Today, we are celebrating Newroz celebrations to walk step by step to victory. Happy birthday to you all. Once upon a time, it was in the lyrics, 'Kine em(Who are we)'. The answer has been processed step by step. We are workers, we are women, we are young, we are Kurds, we are the peoples. The answer has been given. We are workers, we are young, we are women, we are Kurds, we are the peoples. We stood up every time they thought they were killing us. Now we're going to march on them. We will finish an era, we will open another era."    'WE WILL LIFT THE ISOLATION'   Birol said: "We will lift the isolation. We are workers whose sweat and labor are sold as slaves and who are not seen as a humane life. We are here, we are standing. We're coming to disrupt your order. We have mourning, grief and sadness in our hearts today. Because we lost tens of thousands of our citizens because of this outdated and torn order. They died screaming in the wreckage. Until you bring our citizens to account, we will come step by step and end this order of yours. We come with our grief and our anger. Are you ready for Istanbul? Are you ready to change this order, Istanbul? In the days to come, our eyes are on Botan, Amed, Serhat, showing this great power where millions are hand in hand. We greeted this spring with mourning, we greeted it with hope, we said we are marching to victory. One last time, Happy Newroz”.