2023 Newroz dedicated to those who lost their lives in the earthquake 2023-03-09 12:00:07   NEWS CENTER - The start of the 2023 Newroz, which will be held this year with the motto "Everywhere is Newroz, everytime is freedom" and will be dedicated to those who lost their lives in the earthquake. The first fire of 2023 Newroz, which will be celebrated in 43 centers, will be lit in Şemzînan(Şemdinli).   The Newroz 2023, which will be held this year with the motto "Every day Newroz, always free" and "Freedom with the fire of Newroz", will be dedicated to those who lost their lives in the Mereş-centered earthquakes. The start of the 2023 Newroz, under the leadership of the Democratic Society Congress (DTK), the Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA), the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) on March 10 in Amed(Diyarbakır), on March 11 in Istanbul under the leadership of the Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK) and HDP will be given with the Newroz Declaration to be announced.   NEWROZ WILL BE THE START OF THE ELECTIONS   The anger against the government, which rose in the earthquake area and was reflected in the March 8 events, will be carried to the Newroz squares. Newroz squares will also be the start of the election agenda.   FIRST FIRE OF NEWROZ AT ŞEMZİNAN, THE FINAL OF FIRE AT AMED   The first fire of 2023 Newroz will be lit in the Şemzînan (Şemdinli) district of Colemêrg(Hakkari) on March 15. In addition to 43 central celebrations, the final celebration of Newroz, which will be celebrated in all districts, villages and towns, will be in Amed on March 21.   THE 40TH DAY OF THE EARTHQUAKE WILL NOT BE CELEBRATED   However, since March 16 is the anniversary of the Halabja Massacre and March 17 is the 40th day of the Maraş-centered earthquakes, there will be no celebrations on both days.   In many centers, celebrations will not be held on Saturday, March 18 and Sunday, March 19, but commemorative events will be held.   THERE WILL BE CELEBRATIONS IN THE AIR OF REVOLT   Newroz, which is expected to be overflowing due to earthquakes and election atmosphere, will be celebrated in an atmosphere of rebellion. Speakers and artists who will participate in the celebrations will dress in black, commemorate those who lost their lives in the earthquake and protest the attitude of the state towards the earthquake.   FIRE OF NEWROZ WILL BE SET AT 43 CENTERS   Celebrations will be held in Amed, Dersim(Tünceli), Çewlig (Bingöl), Êlih (Batman), Sêrt (Siirt), Qers (Kars), Îdir (Iğdır), Colemêrg (Hakkari), Wan(Van), Agirî(Ağrı), Erdexan (Ardahan), Muş, Ankara, Mersin, Antalya , İzmir, Aydın, Muğla, Denizli, Manisa, Çanakkale, Bursa and Istanbul cities, as well as Xarpêt (Elazığ) Dep (Karakoçan), Riha(Urfa)'s Wêranşar (Viranşehir) and Pirsûs (Suruç), Merdîn's Nisêbin (Nusaybin) and Qoser (Kızıltepe), Şirnex(Şırnak)'s Cizîr (Cizre), Balıkesir's Bandırma and Ayvalık, Tekirdağ's Trakya, Kocaeli's Gebze, Agirî(Ağrı)'s Patnos and Bazîd (Doğubeyazıt), Bêdlîs's Tetwan (Tatvan), Muş's Kop (Bulanık), Erzirom(Erzurum)'s Qereyazî (Karayazı), Colemêrg(Hakkari)'s Gever ( Yüksekova) and Şemzînan (Şemdinli), Konya's Cihanbeyli, Wan(Van)'s Erdîş (Erciş) and Aydın's Ermencik districts.   Celebrations will be held by lighting Newroz fires in all provinces, districts, villages and towns, 23 of which are provinces and 20 of which are districts.   MA / Özgür Paksoy