MA in Malatya villages: Tent is distributed with torpedoes 2023-02-13 15:01:55   MALATYA - While tents were distributed with torpedoes in some places in the villages and towns of Malatya, which were heavily damaged by the earthquake, a family who could not find a tent in the Savaklı Village had to buy a container for 55 thousand liras.   In Malatya, one of the 11 provinces affected by the Maraş which is the epicenter of the earthquake, 1,224 people lost their lives, 1,962 people were injured, and 1,154 buildings were destroyed, according to the data released. However, it is estimated that the earthquake balance sheet will worsen since search and rescue efforts have not yet been started in 50 percent of the debris in the city center and in 70 to 80 percent of the debris in the districts and villages.   'WE HAVE NOT SEEN ANYTHING FROM THE STATE'   Expressing that they cling to life with purely voluntary aid, Öztürk said: "The state does not help us at all. We haven't seen anything from the state."   'WE ARE NOT HELPED BECAUSE WE ARE ALEVIS'   Stating that the state did not help them because they were Alevis, Öztürk said: "I see that search and rescue started only yesterday evening. Those areas are generally Alevi and there are many dead under the rubble in those neighborhoods. The situation is heartbreaking."   'TENTS ARE GIVEN WITH TORPEDO'   Arslan Sağlam, who is an earthquake victim, said: "We stayed in the same tent with 11 people, and informed them that AFAD distributed the tents with 'torpedoes'. 4 tents were given to the headman of the town. We are victims." Another victim said: "Only 3 tents were sent to Aydoğan Mahallesi in the town. We are stuck in a school with 60-70 people on top of each other. They give the tents to those who have men in state. Others are waking up outside. People are devastated.”