Zübeyir Aydar: France and Turkey gladio organised the massacres in Paris 2023-01-09 14:57:21 NEWS CENTER - Speaking about the assasinations of Kurds in Paris, KCK Executive Council Member Zübeyir Aydar said that the assasinations were organised by the gladio of France and Turkey.   While the reactions against the murder of KCK Executive Council Member Emine Kara (Evîn Goyî), Mir Perwer and Abdurrahman Kızıl on December 23, 2022 in Paris, the capital of France, continue; KCK Executive Council Member Zübeyir Aydar who spoke to Yeni Yaşam Newspaper, drew attention to the background of both of the assasinations.   JANUARY 9 MASSACRE   Stating that those targetted in the assasination on January 9 were at the administrative level, Aydar reminded that Sakine Cansız was one of the 22 people took part in the founding process of the PKK. Drawing attention to the fact that the assasination was carried out at the beginning of the peace process, Aydar said: "The Oslo process was blocked in the summer of 2011, there was a lot of time and the problem could have been solved, but after the 2011 elections, Erdoğan gained all that he could gain by then and decided to put the Sri Lanka model into action. A list of 54 people from administrative level was published in 2011. They thought that if they could get them out of the equation, they could eliminate the Kurdish question without solving it. Some of these people were in Europe. The war was very fierce in 2012. When they saw that the Sri Lanka model was not yielding results, they started the peace process at the end of 2012. January 3, 2013 was the first day the delegation went to İmralı. "   THE ATTACK WAS CARRIED OUT WITH THE APPROVAL OF ERDOĞAN   Underlining that Erdoğan knew everything that was done back then, Aydar said: "Erdoğan knew about everything. It was not a sincere peace process. It was stalling. And they ended the meetings in İmralı in 2015 which was followed by a huge attack that was carried out on the anniversary of the Lausanne on July 24. It was a message. The message was "We will destroy you". Lausanne was a death warrant for Kurds."   PARIS IS THE CENTER OF ASSASINATIONS   Expressing that these assasinations aimed to liquidate the Kurds, Aydar said: "The gladio cooperation of France and Turkey is not new. They already had a relation within the scope of NATO. But France is in a more intimate relationship with Turkey dating back to the 80's. At that time, under the leadership of Asala, there were attacks of Armenians against Turkey. France was one of the countries where ASALA was active because there is a serious Armenian population in France. Many of Asala's militants were French citizens. At that time, Turkey used the nationalist mafia Abdullah Çatlı living in France. At that time, two gladios came together and the actions of the Turkish gladio in France were carried out with the auspices, supervision and consent of the state. The group led by Abdullah Çatlı carried out operations called the Marseille operation. Bombs were detonated in France, some people were assasinated, but we did not hear of anyone being caught in France. What happened is the result of deep state relations. After a while, Asala dissolved itself with the murder of its leader and administrators. But the relationship between the two Gladio remained. That relationship was revived and reactivated."   WHO IS THE LEGIONARY?   Stating that the two assasinations in Paris are very similar to each other, Aydar said: "They accused only one person in this massacre. There is Ömer Güney's passport in the case file. He has been in and out of Turkey many times, they have tapes of his phonecalls with TUrkish intelligence. They came to surface when AKP and Gülen was fighting each other. There are two names. One has a code name Legionary and the other's code name is Source. The person with the code name Source is Ömer Güney, who carried out the assasination. I believe Legionary is Zekeriya Çelikbilek. He is one of the people behind this assasination and he lives in France. Despite all this information, a law suit was filed against only one person because of the relations of Turkey and France. And they knew that one person was sick, and the hearing was arranged according to his death."   FRANCE IS THE CENTER WHERE THESE ASSASINATIONS WERE PLANNED   Another assasination was planned to kill me and Remzi Kartal in Brussels. We heard about it somehow and shared the information with the Brussel police. A group including Zekeriya Çelikbilek came and explored around out building. It's in the police records along with the tapes of their phone conversations about this. They were detained but released right after that despite all these information. The assasination was organised in France. They also knowingly left Ruhi Semen, who visited Ömer Güney in prison out of this file even though they have evidence against him.   CONFIDENTIALITY ORDER   There has been a confidentiality order in this file for ten years. In addition to the documents in this file, two MİT (Turkish intelligence) personnel were captured by guerrillas in Slemani in 2017. They gave information about the assasination in Paris during their interrogation. The same statements of these MİT personnel is present in the file in France. But there is still a confidentiality order on this file.   PROFESSIONAL KILLERS   There is a confidentiality order on the file because of the secret agreement between France and Turkey. Both governments will be harmed if the truth is out. We know the truth. The two states cooperated with the mafia and professional killers.   SIMILAR ASSASINATIONS CAN TAKE PLACE   We haven't get a hold of the file yet but we are investigating. This initiative is not taken by Paris alone. We hear similar plans are being made else where. We can't disclose them before we are sure. Similar assasinations can take place."   EVIN GOYI WAS THE TARGET   Drawing attention to the second Paris Massacre, Aydar said: "This person was released from prison 11 days before the attack. He fired the first bullet to Evin Goyi. He says he hates ISIS, but he targets the person who fought ISIS. This is not a coincidence. He shot her at the enterance and then shot Abdurrahman and Mîr Perwer. Then he left. They say he hated Kurds. There were other people inside. Why did he leave before killing them? Because his target was Evin Goyi."   GLADIO ACITVATED   We think that this person was pointed in the direction of a target, that he had photos and information of her and he did not act alone. This assasination was planned in Ankara. We want to know with whom this person served time in prison, how did he change in prison, his father says he changed in prison. All of these things should be investigated. But I am not comfortable with this! I am not saying that the approach of all parts of the French state is the same. But I am of the opinion that the gladio  has knowledge about this and is in contact with the Turkish gladio."   'THEY WILL BE DISSAPPOINTED'   Aydar said: "We have to put up serious efforts for this incident to come to light. This is not a struggle for the party, this is the struggle of the Kurdish people. A people more than 50 million fighting for the last 50 years. They will not succeed. They will be dissappointed. This movement has the experience and opportunities to fend off attacks in every aspect. I believe our people will succeed."