Farewell to Kızıl murdered in Paris 2023-01-05 13:18:51     KARS - Abdurrahman Kızıl who was killed in the Paris Massacre is being farewelled in his hometown Qaxizman in Kars.   Abdurrahman Kızıl, who was murdered along with KCK Executive Council member Emine Kara (Evîn Goyî) and artist Mîr Perwer (Mehmet Şirin Aydın) in the armed attack against Ahmet Kaya Kurdish Culture Center in Paris, the capital of France, on December 23, was killed in his hometown of Kars. Kızıl is being sent off on his last journey in the district of Qaxizman. Hundreds of people, including DBP Co-Chair Saliha Aydeniz, HDP deputies and Kızıl's family, recieved the body of Kızıl from the Harakani Airport.   THE MUNICIPALITY DID NOT PROVIDE FUNERAL COACH, BODY WAS CARRIED WITH A TRUCK   The Kars Municipality run by a trustee did not provide a funeral coach for the family. Panos Municipality run by HDP provided an ambulance to carry the body to the cemetery, however the police found excuses not to allow the body to be carried with the ambulance. The body of Kızıl was sent to the cemetery with a truck.