Lawyer Tosun targeted by Victory Party MP, filed a criminal complaint 2022-11-14 11:50:31   ISTANBUL - Lawyer Jiyan Tosun, who was targeted after the explosion on Istiklal Street, filed a criminal complaint. Tosun, who spent the night at the courthouse, said that she would not leave the courthouse because she has no security of life.   Lawyer Jiyan Tosun, who was targeted by Zafer Party member Adem Taşkaya immediately after the explosion on Istiklal Street in the Beyoğlu district of Istanbul, filed a criminal complaint. The police, who approahed Tosun, who was at the Küçükçekmece Police Station with her client at the time of the explosion,took her statement on the grounds that "there was a complaint against her". Tosun, whose statement was taken, was later released.   LAWYER JIYAN SPENT THE NIGHT AT THE COURTHOUSE   Lawyer Jiyan Tosun, who received threats after being targeted, went to the courthouse last night in the face of these developments and waited until the morning. Lawyer Jiyan Tosun said that she has no security of life. Tosun filed a criminal complaint with the prosecutor's office.   EREN KESKİN HAS BEEN THREATENED AS WELL   On the other hand, Eren Keskin, Co-Chair of the Human Rights Association (İHD), started receiving death threats. Keskin, who made a statement on her Twitter account, stated that she was called from Turkey and abroad, and that she was threatened with death and rape. Keskin said: "I don't know why we were chosen, but neither I nor Jiyan have security of life as of now."