Call to Silopi rally: Those who use chemical weapons must be held accountable 2022-11-02 11:41:27   DİYARBAKIR - Calling for participation in the rally to be held in Silopi against the use of chemical weapons, HDP Diyarbakir MPs Remziye Tosun and Imam Taşçıer said that those who use chemical weapons should be held accountable.   It has been publicized that Turkey has used banned bombs and chemical weapons against the HPG 2,467 times in the war it has been waging in the Iraqi Federated Kurdistan Region since April 17. Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Free Women's Movement (TJA), Democratic Regions Party (DBP), Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and Youth Council, Peace Mothers' Council, Med Federation of Legal Solidarity with Families of Prisoners and Convicts (MED TUHAD-FED), Assistance, Solidarity, Unity and Culture Association with Families Losing Their Relatives in the Cradle of Civilizations (MEBYA-DER), Navenda Çanda Mesopotamia (NÇM), Migration Platform and Mesopotamia Ecology Movement are organising a rally in Silopi district of Şırnak on Sunday, November 6th. A call was made to the public for the action to be organised under the name of "The rally of humanity against chemical weapons".   Speaking on the subject, HDP Diyarbakir MPs Remziye Tosun and Imam Taşçıer called on the whole public to embrace the rally against the use of chemical weapons.   'THOSE WHO USE CHEMICAL WEAPONS MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE'   Reminding that the use of chemical weapons in war environments is a crime against humanity, MP İmam Taşçıer said: “Those who use chemical weapons in war environments should be held accountable to the world and they should be subjected to a serious investigation regarding the use of chemical weapons. The use of chemical weapons needs to be identified. International governments and institutions need to make a decision. The whole world needs to be sensitive to this situation."   'USE OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS IS NOT THE PROBLEM OF KURDS ALONE'   Stating that the world public opinion should start studies to detect the use of chemical weapons, Taşçıer said: “Chemical weapons are banned all over the world and no one can advocate using them. States cannot defend this situation. The allegations must be investigated without delay. International institutions should investigate this. Our call is for these institutions to clarify this situation as soon as possible. The world needs to expose this because this is not just a situation that concerns Kurds. It concerns the whole world.”   'CHEMICAL WEAPONS AGAINST KURDISH YOUTH EXPOSED IN THE VIDEOS'   Stating that chemical weapons have been used for years, MP Remziye Tosun said: “We saw that chemical weapons or cluster bombs were used in Cizre and Syria. We witnessed this situation with our own eyes in Sur. They were throwing cluster munitions and then they denied that use. But we saw very clearly that it was used in the published videos. The use of chemical weapons against two Kurdish youths revealed everything.”   WE SHOULD BE SHOULDER TO SHOULDER ON NOVEMBER 6   Drawing attention to the rising reaction against chemical weapons, Tosun concluded her words as follows: “There were also arrests due to these statements. Şebnem Korur Fincancı was arrested for this reason. We remind that chemical weapons are prohibited. That's why we will hold a rally in Silopi on Sunday, November 6th. We will stand against the use of chemical weapons. We call on all Kurdistan, the use of chemical weapons is prohibited everywhere. Today, chemical weapons are openly used in the mountains of Kurdistan. We call on everyone with a conscience to stand against the use of chemical weapons that day. We should be shoulder to shoulder on November 6th."