Attack on lawyers in Deniz Poyraz case 2022-10-14 15:04:40   İZMİR - The gendarmerie attacked the lawyers who protested against the lawyers and journalists being allowed into the hall at the hearing of the case against Onur Gencer, who murdered Deniz Poyraz.   The waiting continues in front of Şakran Prison, where the trial of Onur Gencer, who murdered Deniz Poyraz by attacking the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir Provincial Building, will be held. While lawyers and journalists on duty are not allowed in, it was stated that case lawyers and MPs cannot enter with their mobile phones. Thereupon, a press statement was made in front of the prison.   Stating that the court committee has been doing its best to fulfill the perpetrator's demands for two days, HDP İzmir MP Murat Çepni said: "There is a decision not to let lawyers with special authorization certificates in. This is a crime according to the CMK. They don't take lawyers with warrants. Although there is no closure decision, there is a decision not to let the audience into the courtroom. This is also illegal. We should raise our voice against this. We cannot be prevented from entering.”   ‘WE DO NOT ACCEPT THIS DECISION'   Stating that the lawyers with authorisation certificates and the press were not allowed in, the electronic devices of the lawyers were not allowed in, and the party members were not admitted without a HDP certificate. They try to obscure the Deniz Poyraz massacre and they follow policies of impunity. Either the lawyers, us, the press should be there.. We do not accept this decision, this is the misery of the law. We are not leaving from here."   GENDARMERIE ATTACKED LAWYERS   After the announcement, the gendarmerie intervened with water cannon to the lawyers who tried to enter. As the intervention continues, the lawyers respond with slogans.