The 80-year-old Özer couple, who is being held in prison, is having difficulty in'breathing'! 2022-07-23 15:54:52   ISTANBUL- Human rights defenders pointed out that ill prisoners Makbule and Hadi Özer are having difficulty in breathing in prison and demanded that both of them should be released.   In the 539th session of the "F Session" demonstration, where the Human Rights Association (İHD) Istanbul Branch Prison Commission drew attention to the condition of ill prisoners, the situation of 80-year-old Makbule and Hadi Özer, who are held in Van Type T Closed Prison, was conveyed.   Pointing to the data shared by the Ministry of Justice on the capacity of the prisons, Meral Nergis Şahin, member of the Prison Commission of the Istanbul Branch of the İHD said: “Today, many prisoners are sentenced to death in prisons due to severe problems in accessing the right to health and treatment, ill-treatment and discriminatory execution practices.”   THE SITUATION OF MAKBULE ÖZER IS GETTING WORSE DAY BY DAY AFTER SHE WAS ARRESTED   Sharing that at least 35 prisoners lost their lives in the last six months, Şahin said: "The most of these deaths are suspicious. The state is responsible for protecting the right to life, but no immediate action has been taken regarding this matter. The Özer couple continued their lives with the help of their children, despite this, they were sentenced to 2 years and 1 month in prison, and this sentence was finalized. The attorneys' requests for house arrest were also rejected and they were put in prison. 80-year-old Makbule Özer suffers from diabetes, shortness of breath and blood pressure, and has a 52 percent disability report due to walking disability and diseases. Being able to move with a wheelchair, Özer cannot meet her personal needs on her own. After Özer was arrested, she had serious sleep problems and started to complain of constant leg suffering.”   SHE SHOULD BE RELEASED   Emphasizing that Makbule Özer shared that she could no longer walk and she is getting worse day by day during her attorney visit, Şahin said: " Özer want to go home as soon as possible. Özer had difficulty in breathing and was suffering from diabetes and blood pressure, so the Özer couple should be released."