Attack on Kurdish family in Denizli 2022-07-20 15:36:59   DENİZLİ - It was stated that a Kurdish family living in the Incilipınar Neighborhood of Pamukkale district was attacked by a person who said, "What are the Kurds doing in this neighborhood? I will kill you".   It was stated that a Kurdish family living in the Incilipınar Neighborhood of Denizli Pamukkale district was attacked by a person. According to the information received, at 07:30 in the morning, a person named Hasan Akın came in front of a Kurdish family's house and attacked the family. The attacker, who came with a sickle-shaped knife in his hand, broke the windows of the house, swearing and insulting the family members, saying, "What are the Kurds doing in this neighborhood? I will kill you."   While family members were calling the police, the attacker called 2 more of Akın's friends and tried to break the door with the sickle-shaped knife and tried to get inside.   FAMILY MEMBERS BATTERED   After the arrival of the police, family members reacted to the 3 attackers. The police attacked the family members with tear gas and battered 2 women. The police detained 3 attackers and 3 members of their families. Family members who were taken to the police station were kept under custody, while the attackers were kept in the garden of the police station.   THE RACIAL ATTACK WAS NOT REPORTED   Family members, whose statements were taken later, explained that they were subjected to a racist attack because they are Kurds, and that this was also filmed, while the police said, "This has nothing to do with you being Kurds. Don't provocate" and did not report the attack as a racist attack.   After their statements were taken, the Kurdish family and the attackers were also released.   'THE NEIGHBORHOOD DOESN'T WANT THEM THERE'   Family members who moved to Denizli from Manisa last year and did not reveal their names due to "security" reasons, stated that they are not wanted in the neighborhood because they are Kurdish, and that they are under constant pressure and that the locals do not accept them. The family stated that they did not know the person or persons who attacked them, and that they had never experienced such an incident before.    THE PEOPLE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD DID NOT INTERVENE    While it is seen that the attacker had a sickle-shaped knife in his hand in the footage taken by the family, it is heard that he breaks the doors and the windows of the house. No one in the neighborhood intervenes the attacker.