400 shell casings were collected in the village raided by Turkish soldiers 2022-06-22 12:07:42   VAN- During the detention of a citizen, 400 shell casings were collected in Başkale, where soldiers fired into the air for minutes and battered women. The committee examining the village will announce its report.   The residents of the Başkale neighborhood in Van where soldiers came to detain a citizen called Mehmet Emin Atlı and fired into the air for minutes, battering women, can not forget the terror they were subjected to. While the villagers collected around 400 shell casings at the scene, the wife and daughter of Mehmet Emin Atlı was also seriously battered.   'WE COLLECTED 400 SHELL CASINGS'   Today, the delegation formed by the Van Bar Association, the Human Rights Association (İHD) Van Branch and the  Association for Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD) Van Branch made investigations in the village and listened to the residents. Speaking to the delegation, Atlı's relative and neighbor Abdulhamit Atlı said: "The soldiers raided the home early in the morning after surrounding the village.  Atlı's wife and daughter were battered by the soldiers when they reacted to the situation. We collected 400 shell casings in our village. They threatened to kill us.”   SOLDIERS USED FIRE ARMS, BEATEN THE VILLAGERS AND INSULTED THEM   Stating that the soldiers came from the Çaldıran Police Station Command, Atlı said: "I told the commander they should treat us fairly and within the law. I asked him what kind of a law allowed them to beat the women, use fire arms and insult the villagers. They fired at least one thousands rounds, we only collected 400 shell casings after them. A different law is applied in the west of Turkey and here in the east. The soldiers did these things even though we did nothing to them."   DELEGATION WILL ISSUE A REPORT   After listening to the citizens, the delegation made investigations in the village. The delegation will announce its report shortly.   On the other hand, it was stated that Mehmet Emin Atlı was taken to Van Type T Prison.