Police provocation continues in front of HDP 2022-05-05 17:03:19   ANKARA- The police blockading HDP Headquarters attacked the party members and detained many people. HDP Spokesperson Ebru Günay, who reacted to the police, said: "You all have the blood of Deniz Poyraz in your hands."   Police who blockaded the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Headquarters early in the morning, attacked the party members again this evening. The police who tried to enter the party building and break down the doors, sprayed pepper gas at the party members, including the MPs, at close range.   6 PEOPLE DETAINED   6 people, including HDP Central Executive Board (MYK) member Veli Saçılık, HDP Ankara Provincial Manager Hüseyin Gökoğlu, HDP Party Assembly (PM) Member Ali Özkan and HDP Yenimahalle District Manager Nazım Karakurt, were battered and detained.     Police pepper sprayed HDP Spokesperson Ebru Günay who told the police: "You are occupying our party building, you are preventing a political party from carrying out its activities" in her face. The fact that the police responded to Günay as, "You will see what occupation is" attracted attention.   The police, who pepper sprayed inside the party building, threatened and insulted the HDP members, who shouted the slogan "HDP is the people, the people are here" and "Get out of our party building, murderer police."   GÜNAY: THE BLOOD OF DENİZ POYRAZ IS ON YOUR HANDS   Responding to the police who used pepper spray on the party members and attacked the people, Günay said, "You are trying to occupy our party building. Having a gun doesn't justify you. This is my party building. This is the headquarters of our party. You get out of here. All the police in Ankara Police Station have come here to commit crimes today. They all came here for provocation. You are obstructing a party's political activities. This is Ankara. The police who are supposed to protect lives are threatening us with death. Deniz Poyraz's blood is on your hands. Where were you when the provocateurs entered the party building and slaughtered her? You always protect murderers. You are all accomplices of these murderers. This party is the party of millions. Everyone sees the truth and knows that you are a murderer."    'JUST WAIT FOR US AND YOU WILL SEE'   While the police insulted and threatened the people and HDP MPs, the crowd protested the attack by shouting the slogan "HDP is hope, hope is right here" and "Get out of our party, murderer police". One of the police officers threatened the party members and said: "Just wait for us and you will see."