Newroz celebrations from Mesopotamia to Anatolia 2022-03-21 15:55:41   NEWS CENTER - Newroz celebrations are held in Diyarbakır, Cizre, Nusaybin, Yüksekova, Siirt, İdil, Viranşehir, Ağrı, Muş, Konya, Ceyhan and Tekman with the slogan "Dem dema serkeftinê"(It is time to succeed).   Newroz celebrations, which were held with the slogan "Dem dema serkeftinê ye", continues all over Turkey. Parties within the Kurdistan Alliance Work and left socialist party and democratic mass organizations attended the Newroz celebrations organised by Democratic Society Congress (DTK), Peoples' Democratic Congress (HDK), Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP). The Newroz celebrations, which started on March 15 in the Beytüşşebap district of Şırnak, which is at the zero point of the border of the Federated Kurdistan Region, are held today in Diyarbakır, Cizre, Nusaybin, Yüksekova, Siirt, İdil, Viranşehir, Ağrı, Muş, Konya, Ceyhan and Tekman. .   HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS AT DIYARBAKIR NEWROZ CELEBRATIONS   The finale of the 2022 Newroz celebrations, which was held with the slogan "Dem dema serkeftinê ye", is held at the Newroz Park in Diyarbakır's Bağlar district. Many politicians, journalists, intellectuals and academics from the Middle East and European countries attended the Diyarbakir Newroz celebrations. Many politicians, academics and journalists from the Federated Kurdistan Region, Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Yemen, European and North African countries took their place in the protocol.   The baricades 3 meter high fences between the stage and the people were levelled by the young men and women.   THOUSANDS AT VIRANŞEHIR NEWROZ    One of the places where Newroz celebrations are held this year with the slogan "Dem dema serkeftinê ye" is the Viranşehir district of Urfa. The address of the celebration in the district is the Mezat Square. Hundreds of people, who made their way to the square in the morning, formed long queues at the entrance of the area. Hundreds of citizens from the age of 7 to 70 attended the celebration with their colorful and national costumes, as well as Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) MPs Ayşe Sürücü and Nusrettin Maçin.   The celebration started with a moment of silence in memory of those who lost their lives in the struggle for democracy, and the Newroz organizing committee saluted the people. The celebration continued with the speeches.   Artist Cemil Koçgirî and Şîlan Dora took the stage following the speeches.   THE JOY OF NEWROZ IN MARDIN     Celebrated with the slogan "Dem dema to Serkeftinê, Newroz started to be celebrated in the area next to Barış Petrol in the Nusaybin district of Mardin. For the celebration, which was prepared in days before, the people began to flock into the area in their colorful local clothes early in the morning. The area, where the people of Mardin entered from two different enterences, was filled with yellow, red and green flags. A giant banner with the words "2022 Newroz" and "Happy Newroz in many languages" was hung on the stage.   THE PEOPLE OF CIZRE FLOW TO NEWROZ AREA WITH THE SPIRIT OF 1992   People started entering the area where the Newroz celebrations will be held early in the morning with their colourful local dresses and yellow, red and green flags.   ÖCALAN SLOGANS IN AĞRI   Another address of the Newroz celebrations held this year with the slogan "Dem, dema serkeftinê ye" was Ağrı. Thousands of people attended Newroz, which was celebrated in the area next to the stadium. The people of Ağrı, who came to the area with the slogans of "Bijî Newroz (Long live Newroz) and "Bijî Serok Apo (Long live Abdullah Öcalan)", dancing the halay.    Former HDP Co-Chair Sezai Temelli spoke at the event. Then Koma Pel and Batman Collective Group will took the stage.   SLOGANS RISE IN YUKSEKOVA   In Yüksekova, one of the strongholds of the resistance, a Newroz celebration is held with the slogan "Dem dema serkeftinê". People from all ages entered the area after passing through check points. The people of Yüksekova, who entered the area, dancing halay accompanied by the songs. SLogans like "Biji Serok Apo (Long live Abdullah Öcalan)", "Be Serok jiyan nabe (There is no life without a President)", "Biji berxwedana zindanan (Long live the dungeon resistance) and The slogans of “Şehit namirin were frequently shouted by the people.