Mother of Deniz Poyraz: This hearing must be supported by the whole Kurdish community 2021-12-29 14:33:59 İZMİR - Sharing her feelings before the hearing, Fehime Poyraz, mother of Deniz Poyraz said: "This case is not just my case, it is the case of all Kurdish people and those who support them. This hearing must be supported by the whole Kurdish community." Hundreds of people came to İzmir Courthouse for the first hearing of the case regarding the attack on the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir provincial building and the murder of Deniz Poyraz. The hearing of the case where the murderer Onur Gencer will be tried will be held in the conference hall of the courthouse. The hearing, which was supposed to start at 10:00, did not start on the grounds that the hall was not ready yet.   HUNDREDS WAITING AT THE COURTHOUSE TO ATTEND THE HEARING   Fehime Poyraz is waiting for the hearing to start with hundreds of people including MPs, NGO represantatives and represantatives of women's organisations. Feeling moved by the support of the crowd, Fehime Poyraz stands tall.   'THEY DIDN'T LEAVE ME ALONE HERE'   Sharing her feelings before the hearing, Poyraz said she wasn't left alone and that she feels supported and thanked everyone to be there with her. Pointing out that she feels excited to see all the people that came to support her, Poyraz said: "This case is not just my case, it is the case of all Kurdish people and those who support them. This hearing must be supported by the whole Kurdish community. And it was. They didn't leave me alone here. We know that the man who killed Deniz did not act on his own accord and those people that instructed him to do this are more influential than him. They should be here being prosecuted here as well."   'I GET MY STRENGTH FROM PEACE MOTHERS'   Stating that the Peace Mothers coming from all around Turkey gave her the strength to face the killer in the court room, Poyraz said the deaths need to stop and peace must be established.