The target in campaign launched for delisting PKK, 4 million signatures 2021-12-14 13:36:00   NEWS CENTER - The International Justice for the Kurds Initiative, attended by 1003 people, including world-renowned names, launched a petition to remove the PKK from the "terrorist organizations list".   At the call of the International Justice for the Kurds Initiative, 1003 world-renowned names from 30 countries participated in the "Remove the PKK from terror lists" campaign. According to the  Fırat News Agency (ANF) regarding the details of the campaign, 4 million signatures are targeted with the works to be carried out by 1003 names, including world-renowned names from 30 countries, parliamentarians, academics, intellectuals and writers.   MULTIPLE CAMPAIGNS IN MANY COUNTRIES   Launched in multiple languages ​​on the "Justice For Kurds" website, the campaign will be run in Europe, the United States of America (USA), Canada and Australia. In addition, Kurdish community centers that will take part in the campaign will set up stands in many countries and collect signatures.   TARGET IS 4 MILLION SIGNATURES   The signatures to be collected within the scope of the campaign will be presented to the Council of Europe and relevant institutions in the USA. In addition, these signatures will be brought to the agenda in national or federal parliaments with reference by the parliamentarians.