HDP Women's Council calls for the release of Aysel Tuğluk 2021-12-08 15:02:26 ANKARA -  HDP Women's Assembly called on the Ministry of Justice and demanded the immediate release of Aysel Tuğluk.   Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Women's Assembly made a written statement regarding the health status of the party's former Co-Chair, Aysel Tuğluk. Recalling the statements of her lawyers that she suffered from memory loss in the Kandıra Type F Prison, the HDP Women's Assembly said, "At the request of Tuğluk, we made efforts not to let the public know about her illness. However, we would like to state that we feel the need to make a statement as her condition is getting worse and her life is at risk.”   'HER LIFE IS AT RISK'   HDP Women's Assembly stated that they raised their objections to what Tuğluk went through and increased solidarity despite the government turning a blind eye on her situation, and emphasized that according to expert reports, Tuğluk is in no condition to remain in prison. The statement continued as follows: “The Human Rights Association (IHD) Istanbul Branch Prison Commission made a statement regarding Tuğluk's health problems recently, stating that her memory loss got so worse that she can't meet her basic needs alone. Tuğluk's life, whose disease is rapidly progressing, is put at risk.”   'POLICY OF EMNITY AGAINST KURDS'   Stating that the disease Tuğluk suffers is triggered by the state policy of emnity against the Kurds, the statement continued, "Tuğluk's mother died a few months after her imprisonment and she got permisson to attend the funeral. The people attending the funeral were attacked by racist mob who threw stones at the people at the funeral. It got worse after Tuğluk's mother was buried. People were firing their guns into the air. Tuğluk had to witness her mother being exhumed. Her attorney said she could never get over this and it scarred her for life."   'THE DECISION OF THE FORENSIC MEDICINE INSTITUDE IS POLITICAL'   The Forensic Medicine Institude gave a report that says TUğluk can manage herself alone after a five minute examination. This attitude of the FMI is political. The government is responsible for the situation of Tuğluk. We are asking. What are you getting revenge for? "   'JJUSTICE FOR AYSEL TUĞLUK'   Tuğluk devoted her life to women's freedom. She ran for help for anyone. She is our first Co-chair as a woman. We demand justice for Aysel Tuğluk. She must be released immediately.    CALL FOR WOMEN   Announcing that they will evolve the "Justice for Women" campaign they have started into a campaign for women held as political hostages, especially sick prisoners, HDP Women's Assembly called on women: "Come, together, in the person of Aysel Tuğluk, let us take up the politics of life against the politics of death imposed on imprisoned women."