Support from families in the fight against drugs and prostitution 2021-10-25 13:30:46   DİYARBAKIR - HDP Youth Assembly member Gülistan Yılmaz, who stated that the campaign they started against drug addiction is being carried out together with the families, emphasized that they are determined in the fight.   The struggle of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Youth Assembly against assimilation, drugs and prostitution that young people are dragged into continues with the campaign that started on September 10 with the slogan "Let's break the addiction, let's build a new life". Within the scope of the campaign launched in Diyarbakır, various activities are organized in many cities, especially in the region. In addition, it is aimed to reach young people with workshops, panels, excursions, picnics and football organizations.   REQUEST FOR HELP FROM FAMILIES   Stating that they want to raise awareness against prostitution and drugs with their campaign, Yılmaz said, “We reached out to mothers and young people in the neighborhoods. We gave them brochures. In fact, we continue this work with the public. This is how we did it. We decided to organize an event that will involve the distribution of brochures for one week and one activity for the public for one day. Mothers in the neighborhoods are very happy with this campaign. They stated that this work should be a fundamental. Especially in the circles where our patriotic people lived, the drug traffic was intense."   GOVERNMENT IS PUTTING THESE DRUGS IN OUR STREETS   Stating that a network should be developed in which many mothers will also take part in the neighborhoods, Yılmaz said, “Especially family members made an offer to end drugs together. They are very determined about it. Drugs sold in neighborhoods are not organized by young people. It is the government that puts the drugs in here. There are young people who want help and there are young people who are against us. We can also see who those who are against us are working with. We also know who provide the drugs. Of course, we will continue this work even if they won't allow us."   POLICE TRYING TO PREVENT THE EFFORTS FOR THE CAMPAIGN   Noting that the police try to prevent the campaign activities, Yılmaz said, “The law enforcement is following us in almost every work we do. Because, as we said, this policy is the policy of the government. They even attend a normal event with their uniforms and armored vehicles. They do this to intimidate us. They openly told us they will not let us work against drugs. We will continue until we get results."     MA / Ergin Çağlar