Emine Şenyaşar: 'Those murdered my family walks free' 2021-08-12 13:32:51   URFA – Emine Şenyaşar who has been staging a sit in in front of the Urfa Courthouse because her husband and two sons were murdered, cried out, "I can't bear it anymore. Don't you have no conscience? Those who murdered my family walks free!"   The sit in Şenyaşar family refers to as the 'Justice Watch' started by Emine Şenyaşar who lost her husband and two sons in the attack carried out by the relatives and bodyguards of AKP Urfa MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız and Ferit Şenyaşar who survived the attack wounded is on its 157th day today.    Şenyaşar hung photos of Hacı Esvet Şenyar, his father, and brothers Adil and Celal Şenyaşar who were killed as a result of the attack carried out by the relatives and bodyguards of AKP MP İbrahim Halil Yıldız along with a banner that reads, "A father and his two sons were slaughtered at the Suruç State Hospital on 14.07.2018. No one has been prosecuted so far. Justice for everyone!"   'DOES BEING A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT MEANS YOU CAN KILL PEOPLE IN BROAD DAY LIGHT?'   Emine Şenyaşar who continues to demand justice in front of the Urfa Court House said: "We have been sitting here, demanding justice for a long time. They murdered three people from my family. They locked my other son in prison. Those who murdered my family walks free. Does being a member of the parliament means you can kill people in broad day light? Has anyone ever seen people being killed with guns in a hospital? The only language they speak, is the language of violence. I am sick. I can't bear it any more. I don't have the strength anymore. I want them to release my son. Don't you have no conscience? Or I will die here."   'THIS IS THE LAW OF THE SUPERIOR'    From their Twitter account, the family wrote the following: "There are three people murdered in a state hospital but no law suit for the last three years.This is the law of the superior. Our sit in for justice is on its 157th day."