TİHV: 4 out of 10 people are exposed to sexual torture 2021-07-12 10:59:43 NEWS CENTER - According to the report released by the TİHV, the age of those who apply to the foundation due to torture and ill-treatment ranges from 5 to 70, while four out of 10 tortured people are subjected to sexual torture. The Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) has announced the “Report on Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers for 2020”. While the report revealed the extent of torture and ill-treatment in Turkey, it was stated that the youngest age among those who applied to TİHV on the grounds that they had been tortured was 3 years old.   SEXUAL TORTURE   According to the report, at least four out of every 10 people who were tortured in 2020 (40.7 percent) stated that they had been subjected to sexual torture. 572 people applied to TİHV due to torture and ill-treatment, two people due to serious human rights violations other than torture and ill-treatment, and 31 people whose relatives were tortured applied to TİHV for treatment and rehabilitaion. It was determined that the torture experienced or witnessed in 12 of the applications took place outside the country.   3.4% OF PEOPLE TORTURED ARE CHILDREN   In the report, 62.5 percent of the applicants were men, 36.5 percent were women, and 1 percent were LGBTI+s, and 3.4 percent of the tortured applicants were under the age of 18.   In the report, it was noted that 507 of 562 tortured people were detained due to their political identities.   TORTURE ON THE STREET DESPITE THE PANDEMIC   While it was emphasized in the report that the torture took place in different environments, the places where people were subjected to torture most was police cars, police stations and open spaces.   THE RELATIONSHIP OF RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AND THE KURDISH QUESTION   The report also presented data revealing the relationship between human rights violations and the Kurdish question. Accordingly, those born in the Southeastern and Eastern Anatolia Regions constituted 24.6% of Turkey's population, while the rate of those born in this region who were subjected to torture was 62.6%. It was also noteworthy that one out of every four people who applied to THİV due to torture is a student.   KURDISH CHILDREN   According to the report, while the avarage age of 20 tortured children was 10 at the time of the torture, it was determined that the youngest child who was tortured by law enforcement was 3-years-old.