Öcalan: My crime is to call people to a free life 2021-06-26 10:21:33   İSTANBUL - The 'plan to collapse' the Kurds continue with the law suit against the HDP for its closure and the Kobané case. PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan once defined these days and said 'Turkey's war against Kurds."   Being removed from Syria with the collaboration of global forces within the scope of an international conspiracy, PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was extradited to Turkey on February 15, 1999 and has been held in İmralı Island Prison ever since. The fact that a protocol was signed between the CIA and Turkish intelligence agency MİT 4 days before he was extradited to Turkey was revealed after years. The İmralı Island was evacuated and re-built in a way that Öcalan would be the sole prisoner.   Öcalan, who was handed over to MİT members at Kenya's Nairobi Airport on February 15, was brought to Turkey by plane and put in this prison on the morning of February 16, where he has been under aggravated isolation for the last 22 years.    Ocalan, who has been trying to establish a dialogue with Turkey since 1993, believing that a political solution to the Kurdish problem can be achieved in a non-violent way, took ceasefire decisions in 1993, 1995 and 1998 to create the conditions for this. Öcalan continued to extend a hand of peace to the state insistently for a solution on the island of Imrali, where he has been held for 22 years. However, this extended hand was left unanswered every time.   The seeds of hostility were sown among the peoples of Turkey with the policies of deadlock followed by the governments.   PLAN TO COLLAPSE KURDS   Despite the events such as the Paris assassination in the same period, the only time period that these policies were abandoned was the years 2013-2015, when hope for peace was born as a result of Öcalan's efforts. As the peoples began to understand each other better in this process, the "Plan of Collapse" was decided on 30 October 2014 at the National Security Council (NSC), which lasted for 11 hours. With this plan, which was put into effect on 14 December, trustees were appointed to 96 of the 102 municipalities that the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) won in the 2014 local elections. Again within the framework of this plan, tens of thousands of people were displaced while dozens of Kurdish settlements were destroyed.   With this plan which is still in place, the government which tried to suppress all efforts of Kurds and revolutionary forces in Turkey by force, violence, trustees and arrests, has also been trying to liquidate the democratic politics.    KOBANÊ CASE AND CLOSURE CASE AGAINST HDP   With the steps taken for this purpose, 108 people, 24 of whom are imprisoned, including HDP former Co-Chairs, Central Executive Board (MYK) members and executives, started to stand trial in the Kobanê Case, and a law suit was filed to close the HDP for good.    THE KILLING OF DENİZ POYRAZ   Along with these steps taken under the disguise of law, and with the provocative discourse of the AKP-MHP government, an attack was carried out against the İzmir HDP building on June 17, and a party employee and member Deniz Poyraz was murdered by the assailant.   WE ARE NOT EVEN ENTITLED TO OUR RIGHT TO LIFE   Öcalan, who is not allowed to meet neither with his family nor with his lawyers today, frequently analyzed the state's approach to the Kurds during his meetings with his lawyers in the past and defined the policies followed as "Turkey's war against the Kurds". Öcalan, who said in a meeting with his lawyers in 2014, "Our right to live as Kurds has not been recognized," explained this as follows: "The Kurds have not had a law until today. In fact, as the Kurds we are not even entitled to our right to life. The right to life is a fundamental right, but even this right has been taken away from us. In this sense, the lawyers of Kurdistan should review and question what lawyers advocate and what law they are defending."   'MY CRIME IS TO CALL PEOPLE TO A FREE LIFE'   In the same meeting Öcalan said: "Even in this cell I am being held responsible for everything. This is their revenge on me. If I write a book, this will be the subject. 'Revenge from Apo'. What did I do? My crime is to call people to a free life."   'I DO NOT ACCEPT THE LIFE OF A SLAVE'   Referring to the fact that Kurds are not given even the minimum right to life, Öcalan said, “What is store for you is captivity, slavery. There are 500 thousand people living in Urfa. They used to go to Çukurova to pick cotton when I was there. They worked 20 hours a day without the right to access to health, education or any security. They did not have the right to life to sum up. I went there once and decided not to do it again, ever. I said I will not live this life. I am living in a cell now. It's ok. I can live here but I will not live the life of a slave."     MA / Ferhat Çelik