Letters and conversations with visiters to be recorded in prisons 2021-06-17 10:21:41 ANKARA - With the bill recently passed in the parliament, the prison administration will have the right to confiscate the letters of the prisoners and record their conversations during the family visits.   The Bill on the Amendment of the Law on the Execution of Penalties and Security Measures and Some Laws was accepted with the votes of AKP and MHP in the General Assembly of the Parliament. According to the law, monitoring boards will be able to see and inspect the vehicles used in the transportation of detainees and the sections where they are kept in courthouses or where they are treated in health institutions, receive information from administrators and officials, and listen to the wards of the prisoners.   According to the law, the Chief Public Prosecutor will be responsible and authorized to eliminate the differences that may arise between the decisions of the public prosecutors that terminate the investigation and to supervise the compliance of these decisions with the law.   THE LETTERS WILL BE RECORDED   Letters, faxes and telegrams received or sent by prisoners who have been sentenced for "establishing, managing or being a member of a terrorist organization", or whose communication is deemed to be "dangerous" in terms of institutional security, can be digitally recorded or physically stored.   Records or documents related to these messages cannot be used for any other purpose, cannot be shared with any person or institution except as expressly stated in the law, and if they are not subject to any investigation or prosecution, they will be deleted or destroyed at the end of 1 year at the latest. Deletion and destruction processes will be supervised by the public prosecutor.   CONVERSATIONS OF PRISONERS WITH VISITERS WILL BE RECORDED   Conversations of the prisoners with their visiters convicted of similar charges can be listened to and recorded "for the purpose of protecting public order, ensuring the security of individuals, society and institutions, or preventing crime".  If these records are not subject to any investigation and prosecution, they will be deleted at the end of 1 year at the latest. The deletion process will be supervised by the public prosecutor.   SENTENCES OF MOTHERS OF MINORS WILL NOT BE POSTPONED    In the event that convicted female detainees have a child who is under the age of 15, the article regarding the postponement of the execution until the child turns 15 has been removed from the text of the proposal.