Asrın Law Office urgently invites CPT to duty 2021-03-19 15:58:27   İSTANBUL - Applying to the CPT, Asrın Law Office invited CPT urgently to duty regarding the allegations about the health and security of their client PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.   Asrın Law office applied to the European Commmittee  for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) yesterday, following the allegations made on social media about their client PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan yesterday. In the petition of the Asrın Law Office it was stated that applications was made to both the Ministry of Justice and Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office for a contact visit at the İmralı Prison but the applications were not answered.   CONCERNS ARE VERY SERIOUS   Stating that Öcalan hasn't been seen by the attorneys or the families since March 3, 2020 and a phone call was made on April 27, 2020, Asrın Law Office said: "With the lack of communication and the life threatening pandemic, us as the families and attorneys of Öcalan are seriously concerned. Our applications on March 15, 16, 17 and 18 haven't been answered yet."   CONCERNS MUST BE EASED   The petition underlined that even though the Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor stated that the allegations were unfounded, it hasn't eased the concerns.   CPT MUST DO ITS JOB   In the application which states that Asrın Law Office already informed the CPT about the current isolation conditions, it was said: "We invite the CPT urgently to duty to ensure the concerns to be eased and attorneys and families should be granted a permission for a contact visit."