Global partners of Boğaziçi University: This is a shame, we condemn Turkey 2021-02-08 11:12:37   İSTANBUL – While Prof. Adam Sulikowski from Wroclaw University, one of the global partners of Boğaziçi University expressed his admiration for the students' struggle, Prof. Robert Nola from Auckland University said: "Supporters of academic rights around the world condemn this."   The protests launched against the trustee Rector Melih Bulu, who was appointed to Boğaziçi University by AKP's President Tayyip Erdoğan, received support from the world's distinguished universities. The global partners of Boğaziçi University from all around the world described the appointment of Bulu as 'shameful'.   Dr. Adam Sulikowski, one of the academics from Uniwersytet Wroclawski (Wroclaw University: UW) and a member of "Academic Freedom to Students and Faculty Members of Boğaziçi University" and Prof. Robert Nola from The University of Auckland spoke to Mesopotamia Agency (MA) regarding the issue.   SULİKOWSKİ: WARNING FOR THE ACADEMIC COMMUNITY   Professor of Wroclaw University. Dr. Adam Sulikowski pointed out that he supports the protests of the students and drew attention to the fact that their demands are justified. Underlining that in Poland, similar things have happened before, Sulikowski said: " Currently, the efforts of students and academics from Bogazica meet with great support in Poland. Although the Polish government does not impose rectors on universities yet, it would certainly like to have a greater political influence on the functioning of higher education. Therefore, what is happening in Bogazica is a warning to the Polish academic community. "   VIOLENCE OF THE AUTHORITIES   Stating that the students and academics from the University of Bogazici are rightly fighting for the values that have been the essence of university life since the Middle Ages, Sulikowski underlined that his resistance can not be described as 'terrorism'. Sulikowski underlined that it is not the students who use violence, but they are trying to fight off the violence of the authorities who are trying to subdue the university politically.   'I ADMIRE THOSE WHO RISK THEIR FREEDOM'   Condemning the fact that the protesters are subjected to violence and torture during detention, Sulikowski said: " I admire members of the academic community who were ready to risk their own freedom and health for the shared values."   NOLA: SIMILAR PROTESTS ARE NECESSARY IN POLAND AND HUNGARY    Emphasizing that he is concerned about authoritarian tendencies in democratic countries, Prof. Robert Nola from Auckland University said: "Unfortunately, in my region - in Poland and Hungary, the authorities are trying to subordinate all spheres of activity that have not been under state control so far. That is why I believe that actions similar to those at the University of Bogazici may soon be needed here too."   'IT'S A SHAME'   Reminding that in a free and democratic society people have the right to peacefully object to the policies persued and have a right to resist, Nola said: "It is a shame that a distinguished university is being destroyed by the Government. Supporters of academic rights around the world condemn it."     MA / Berna Kişin