Our reporter Aslan accused of reporting provocative news 2021-02-02 10:32:01 ANTALYA - The prosecutor who accused our reporter of 'being a member of a terrorist organization', claimed in the indictment that our reporter Mehmet Aslan was making news that provocate the masses. The investigation against our reporter Mehmet Aslan, who has been detained since January 9, 2021 due to his journalistic activities, has been completed. The indictment prepared by the Antalya Chief Public Prosecutor's Office was presented to the Antalya 2nd High Criminal Court. The court, on the other hand, gave a decision of non-jurisdiction, stating that the place of the crime in question was Istanbul. The court decided continuation of detention stating that the criminal suspect continues. The court forwarded the indictment to the Istanbul High Criminal Court.   REPORTING NEWS BECOME EVIDENCE OF CRIME   In the indictment that claims our agency is reporting news in connection with 'the organization', the fact that Aslan reported news to the subscribers, making phone calls with sources and saying 'PKK Leader Abdullah Ă–calan' was described as evidences of a crime.   SPEAKING TO SOURCES IS A CRIME   The prosecutor's office who claimed that the word 'exile' Aslan used in a phone call with a source is an evidence of a crime, also accused Aslan because his arrest was a subject of a news article in ANF NEWS website.     MA / Hamdullah Kesen