Forced to testify against his friends in investigation he was detained 2021-02-01 13:36:46   ANKARA – Former HDP PM Member Erol Çİftçi was forced to be an anonymous witness to testify against his friends he was detained with. Refusing the proposal, Çiftçi was threatened by the police.   The attempts to abduct Youth Assembly members of the Peoples' Democratic Party continues.  Former PM member Erol Çiftçi (23) was summoned to the police station because he had been released with judicial control measures and he had to sign documents every Sunday at the police station and there was a curfew on Sundays, he thought they would change the day.      THEY WANTED HIM TO BE AN ANONYMOUS WITNESS   Çiftçi said: "We went to the police station with my father. They didn't let him in. He waited outside. 3 people put me in a room. I didn't know any of them. They were in plain clothes. They wanted me to testify against the people I was taken into custody with in an investigation. They promised me no one would know. When I refused their proposal they started to threaten me. They told neither me nor my siblings will ever find a job and they will tell every school we go to that we are terrorists."   THEY ARE TRYING TO CREATE FALSE EVIDENCE   Çiftçi told that their legal party was being criminalized. Adding that they were not accused of anything when they were detained in the told investigation, Çiftçi said: "They are trying to create false evidence asking us to spy on our people or testify against them. Because they know there's no evidence against us being in a terrorist organization."   THESE PEOPLE MUST BE EXPOSED   Underlining that he is being threatened by the police for at least a year, Çiftçi said: "They are pressuring many people just like they did to me. It reminds us of the murders by unknown assailants in the past and it naturally cause concerns. Everyone who is subjected to such threats must expose these people."   Çiftçi applied to Human's Rights Association (İHD) and told that he will file a criminal complaint against the police in question.