1 Million TL fine for HDP members who protested rape suspect Musa Orhan 2020-12-17 12:13:03 BATMAN - HDP Batman Provincial Organization has been fined 1 million TL for participating in the protests and events on the grounds that they did not obey the physical distance and did not wear masks.   The pandemic measures taken by the government have become a tool to silence the opposition. Members and executives of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) are fined for opposition to the circular of the Ministry of Interior everytime they organize a demonstration. 1 Million TL fine was imposed on the people for attending the demonstrations and events organized by HDP Batman Provincial Organization until today.   PEOPLE ATTENDING MUSA ORHAN PROTESTS FINED   18 people were fined 900 TL, a total of 16 thousand 200 TL for attending the protest held in Atatürk Park because they protested Specialized Sergeant Musa Orhan for raping İpek Er and finally driving her to suicide.   People were also fined for trustee protests, press releases in front of the HDP Provincial Organization, November 25  International Day of Struggle for Violence against Women, March 8 World Women's Day and etc.    'THEY ARE TURNING THE PANDEMIC INTO AN OPPORTUNITY   HDP Batman Provincial Co-Chair Ömer Kulplu told that they face an intense police blocade when they want to express their democratic demands, they are usually detained and that law enforcement officers, who were not satisfied with this, imposed fines against them by using the pandemic this time.