'Ending the isolation will pave the way for social peace' 2020-12-11 10:49:07 İSTANBUL - Stating that the main source of the problems in Turkey is the isolation, TJA activist Süreya Kılınç told that ending the isolation will pave the way for social peace.   The hunger strike prisoners started demanding an end to the continued isolation on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is on its 15th day.    Süreya Kılınç from Free Women's Movement (TJA) which announced that TJA, Democratic Society Congress (DTK) and Democratic Regions Party (DBP) have started a campaign against the isolation, evaluated the process.   'IT IS A MATTER OF HUMANITY'   Stating that the isolation is not only a legal matter but a matter of humanity, Kılınç said: "It is unacceptable to isolate a person whom a community defines as their leader for such a long time by violating international universal law rules."   'THE REASON OF THE PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED IN TURKEY IS THE ISOLATION'   Stating that they carried out various actions and activities against the isolation, Kılınç said, “While continuing our actions and activities, we also try to create sensitivity against the isolation. The femicide in Turkey, the children being abused and the war policies can not be discussed as a seperate issue. The struggle against isolation is the struggle against femicide, child abuse and war."   Tecride karşı çeşitli eylem ve etkinlik yaptıklarını ifade eden Kılınç, “Bir yandan eylem ve etkinliklerimize devam ederken bir yandan tecride karşı duyarlılık yaratmaya çalışıyoruz. Ülkede yaşanan, kadın cinayetlerinden, çocuk istismarına ve uzun yıllardır süren savaş halinin tecrit politikasından ayrı ele alamayız. Tecride karşı verilen mücadele aynı zamanda kadın cinayetlerine, çocuk istismarlarına ve savaş karşı verilen mücadeledir” ifadelerini kullandı.   IT WILL PAVE THE WAY FOR PEACE   Speaking about the hunger strike launched in prisons, Kılınç said: "Now, a hunger strike action was launched in prisons again.  In this struggle, it will have a very important place in establishing social peace and ending the isolation. The Imrali isolation must be broken and the freedom of Mr. Öcalan must be ensured. An end to the isolation will pave the way for social peace. We have to step up our struggle against isolation."   Stating that war is not a solution, Kılınç said: "If war was a solution, the whole world would have been fighting a war. We believe that the prosperity of the people lies within peace. And to ensure peace, the continued isolation on Mr. Öcalan must be lifted. Everyone must do their part to step up this struggle."     MA / Erdoğan Alayumat