Family of Gülistan Doku starts sit in 2020-09-07 13:44:11 DERSİM - The family of the missing student Gülistan Doku, a student of Munzur University, started a sit-in protest in Seyit Rıza Square for their missing daughter and the non prosecution of the suspects.  The search for missing university student Gülistan Doku that started on January 5 in Dersim was stopped on August 18.  Doku family started a sit-in protest in Seyit Rıza Square, demanding that their children be found.   Doku's mother, Bedriye Doku and her older sister, Aygül Doku, carried the photograph of Gülistan Doku at the sit-in.   'WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?'   Mother Bedriye Doku, speaking at the sit in, said: "'Where is my daughter. I am in pain. Put yourself in our place."   'WE WILL SIT HERE UNTIL GULISTAN IS FOUND'   Stating that they started the sit in for their sister to be found, Gülistan's sister Aygül Doku said that her sister has been missing for 247 days and they will continue the sit in until she is found."