Criminal complaint about the special sergeant who raped the child was not processed 2020-07-17 13:46:44 BATMAN - It was learned that İ.P who was raped by specialized sergeant M.O in Batman left a letter behind her before attempting suicide. It was also stated that the criminal complaint against the specialized sergaent was not submitted for processing.  17 year old İ.P who attempted suicide with a fire arm, after being raped by specialized sergeant M.O in Batman is still being treated at the Beşiri State Hospital and still at life risk.   GENDERMERIE AND THE PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE DID NIT SUBMIT THE COMPLAINT FOR PROCESSING   According to the information obtained, the assault took place on June 24. Family members applied to the police station and the prosecutor's office after finding out about the assault. The prosecutor and the gendermerie told the family they will do what is necessary, but no action has been taken to date.   İ.P WROTE A LETTER   Meanwhile, according to the information received from family members, İ.P has written a letter before attempting suicide. But the letter was claimed to have been put into her pocket by her father. It was also stated that the family delivered the letter to the prosecutor's office.   HDP VISITED THE FAMILY   While the family's waiting at the private hospital continued, the People's Democratic Party (HDP) MP Feleknas Uca, representatives of the Human Rights Association (İHD), HDP Women's Assembly, Health and Social Workers' Union (SES) visited the family. The representatives expressed that they were with the family in order to clarify the incident until the specialized sergeant is punished.   Special Sergeant M.O was detained by the Siirt Chief Public Prosecutor's Office yesterday in scope of the investigation.