Specialized Sergeant raping a child, detained in Batman 2020-07-17 08:44:01   BATMAN - While 17 year old İ.P who was raped by specialized surgeant M.O is still at life risk, Batman Bar announced that the perpetrator was taken into custody by the Siirt Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.   İ.P, daughter of a shephard family living in the Beşiri district of Batman tried to end her life, suspiciously with a fire arm. İ.P who was taken to the Beşiri State Hospital following the suicide attempt, is still at life risk.    İ.P who turned out to be raped by specialized surgeant M.Ö, was learned to attempt suicide because of this.      IHD: WE WILL BE FOLLOWERS OF THE CASE   Batman Humans' Rights Association (İHD) and Batman Bar Association started an investigation about the incident. İHD President Devran Yıldız said: "We have investigated the incident. We learned that the specialized surgeant had secually abused İ.P and was taken into custody. We will be followers of the case until the perpetrator is punished", following their investigation.    STATEMENT FROM BATMAN BAR ASSOCIATION   Batman Bar Association made a written statement and announced that the perpetrator was taken into custody. Bar statement said: "Because the crime took place in Siirt, the perpetrator was taken into custody by the Siirt Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. We will share as we receive information from the President and Board of Directors of the Siirt Bar Association, and we will follow up with the Siirt Bar Association of the investigation carried out in Siirt."